Tuesday, February 26, 2008

London is always a good idea

Today began as an ordinary day. I woke up, showered, ate breakfast. I was running my normal 5 minutes late for work, which ended up being 8 minutes due to the sheet of ice that covered my car. I got to work went about my normal routine and by two o'clock I purchased an airline ticket to London. Okay not so normal. In fact it definitely was not in my schedule for the day. I hadn't even thought about going to London. However when I got to work my friend Lindsey asked if I wanted to go to London for spring break. She had found round trip tickets for $650.00 (including taxes and fees.) and her dad would help pay for the hostel where we would stay. I told I would think about it. And four hours later I had the ticket.

I am scared to tell people I am doing this because once they find out they will think I am crazy. Especially considering the other things I have planned for this year. But I honestly thought it through. I did some slight money planning and decided I could pull it off. And then I asked my mom, (who is supposed to be my voice of reason, the smart and wise one, who is also aware of everything that I have coming and who I thought would remind me of all the reasons why I shouldn't go.) what she thought I should do and she said I should go for it. "Oh, ok. If my mom says I should then I should. Mommy knows best!!!" So I am heading off to London in 20 days. YAY!!!! (Yes that is right after Abby's wedding.) I love London. I also will be scrimping and saving a bit more for the next few months (as well as taking back the extra pair of shoes I just bought.) and praying for a big tax return. That will be paying for the bulk of this trip. Yes I know I'm crazy. Lindsey and I are ok with that. =)


Cori Hintze said...

I think it will be great to get away! You only live once...and for most people, they never get the chance to leave the country! Have fun! Get me a postcard!

randa_joy said...

YaY!!!!!!! I love London! I hope you get to go to a good show and see lots of fun stuff!

caron said...

Fantastic! I knew we were friends for a reason... I would totally jump on that wagon, too!! I hope you have a fantastic time!