Friday, February 19, 2010


Nine months of planning, anticipating, saving, shopping, preparing, waiting, packing, and dreaming…are finally over and we are on our way. We’ll be living the dream for six days and six nights. And for me, this really will be a dream come true. Not the fancy ship, the pampering, the pools, the sunshine. (Although, they will be a fun and new experience.) But the opportunity to travel international, see ruins, scuba dive, see new places, experience new things with my family is one of my dreams.

I’ve traveled lots by myself and with friends, and I often get places and wish I could share it all with my family. I wish they could see, feel, and experience everything.Then when I come home and can’t stop talking about it they would know and really understand.

So, for six amazing days in Mexico, Honduras, and Belize…

I will be living my dream.

Hasta Luego. (Maybe)


Just forward my mail to:

1401 Carnival Dream

Somewhere, Caribbean

Atlantic Ocean

I might not be back!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


sunshineThe sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow

There'll be sun!
Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya Tomorrow!
You're ONLY
A day
A way!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!

Tag: Post your favorite movie kiss.

fav kiss

A little off the beaten path, but the one that comes to my head is in Becoming Jane. (or the one I saw the most recent.) James McAvoy does a great “grab and kiss”—as my mom would call it. (You can also see it in Penelope.) There are three kisses in this movie and they are all good. (BTW What makes a good movie kiss? Music, anticipation…?) My favorite romantic line also comes from this movie. Tom Lefroy asks Jane, “What value would there be in life if we are not together?” I just love this movie all around, probably in my top 5. It’s not your average “happily ever after” show. But maybe that’s why I like it. Sometimes, or most times, life doesn’t turn out how you would like it to. You just do your best, and be HAPPILY EVER AFTER, with what you’ve got.

Hugs and kisses. xOxoX

Tag: Bekah, Hannah, Mom, Cori, Caron, Rachel, or any of you ladies (or gentlemen) who would like to spread a little valentine cheer.

PS. I just thought of another one. It take 5 VHS (or 2 DVDs) and 6 hours to get there, but it is worth the wait. All good things are.

Pride and Prejudice. (Not the Keira Knightley one.)


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


One of my loves is travel. I love to see and experience the many exotic beauties that this earth holds. However, recently, I’ve been reminded that true beauty of the world lies in the people and relationships. You can’t make it with out them and they are truly precious. I am thankful for all the people that have been brought into my life.
I’ve also been reminded once again of the ever presence of change. I know change is a constant in everyone’s lives. However, it seems in the last few months the changes have been coming closer together in my life and much of the good familiarity that I have come to rely on in the last few years is fading away. I usually embrace change, however, when it affects precious and dear relationships, I wish I could find a pause button.
Resolution: Build relationships with people that will last and make a difference. And work to keep them.
PS. The weekend was a good weekend, full of good friends and good food. Three great finds:
1. Young Victoria. A delightful, pleasant British movie about Queen Victoria. (Also very clean. What a relief.)
2. Himalayan Kitchen in Salt Lake. Good Indian Food for an affordable price.
3. An Israel Flag Italian charm. I like collecting Italian Charms of flags of countries where I have been. They are getting harder to find since the charms aren’t as popular as they once were. I still have about 9 more (and counting) to search for, but Israel was a big one.

Friday, February 5, 2010

never too late

...for resolutions


Some random, yet meaningful, resolutions for 2010.

I totally copied this idea. Happy New Year!