Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas cards have all been sent. (Well, almost.) I didn’t have to worry about wrapping too many presents this year because this year my family by passed the presents and we have had four fun filled days in Disneyland. And right now I seem to be the last man standing. Everyone else in the family is dead asleep. I would still be going if the park didn’t close early tonight. It has been a fun week. Disneyland is always a good idea at Christmas. It is pure magic. Christmas music and lights fill the streets and everyone is happy.

I survived my first semester of graduate school. There were moments I didn’t think I would. I was happy to finish up my last final and be able to relax for the holidays. I made a quick spontaneous trip to Rexburg to surprise Bekah at her graduation ceremonies. After that was done we moved her home and got ready to leave for Disneyland.

Today as my mom and I were leaving the park  many of the characters were out waving and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. It made me happy. I love going to school and gaining a higher education. But there are some days I miss working as a teller. And as silly as it might sound, this Christmas I have missed it more. I miss helping people everyday and I miss wishing everyone I see a Merry Christmas. It really was great.

I guess I should go to bed since I am starting to fight to keep my eyes open.  Merry Christmas everyone. May all your dreams come true.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sarah-ism #516: Say the kissing part

If you are ever in Disneyland and Prince Charming, Eric, Phillip, or whoever, etc. asks you, “What is your favorite part of the movie?” Say the KISSING PART!!!!
Why do I say this, you may ask.
Five years ago we went to Disneyland for Christmas as a family. As we entered the park on our first day, we were excited to find Prince Phillip there waiting to welcome us. As he greets us, he bends down and asks Dinah (who is 5 at the time) “What is your favorite part of the movie?” Dinah answers, “The dancing part.” He says ok and picks her up and begins dancing with her. I immediately tell my sisters, “The next time a prince asks you, ‘What is your favorite part of the movie?’ Say the kissing part.” =)
Disney 04 019 Dinah with Prince Phillip Unfortunately, Dinah and I were unable to test to see if this same magic works here in Salt Lake when we went to Disney on Ice last month. But we still had a great time watching the Princesses skate with their Princes.
100_1067 100_1081

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Grown Up Christmas List

Yesterday while I was driving around I was listening to Christmas music, of course. Amy Grant’s “My Grown up Christmas list” came on. I’ve heard this song a hundred times, I’m sure, but this time the lyrics grabbed my attention and I started thinking about what would be on my grown up Christmas list. 

Do you remember me
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you
With childhood fantasies
Well, I'm all grown up now
And still need help somehow
I'm not a child
But my heart still can dream
So here's my lifelong wish
My grown up Christmas list
Not for myself
But for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown up Christmas list…

Yes, there is a lot of bad that happens in this world, and life can be so extremely unfair. (I remember that every time I see a girl with long gorgeous hair.) However, I wouldn’t wish all the trials away. They are what make us stronger, wiser, and kinder. They bring people together and help us to remember all the blessings we do have in this life. These were just some thought that I came to mind while I was driving.

There are a few things that I would put my grown up Christmas list: 

  • A cure for cancer
  • Terrorism would go away
  • Child abuse would be nonexistent
  • Everyone would have the Knowledge and Truth

What would be on your grown up Christmas list?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

28 things to do in December

I am finding that I am a big fan of to do lists. I love checking things off. In fact, I will put things on my to do list that I have already done just so I can check them off. I am also finding that school is consuming a lot of my time and brain power. So to make sure I fill my life with other things besides school and so time doesn’t just pass me by and I miss out on doing so many other great and unique things, I am going to make monthly to do lists. The lists will have things that are specific and unique to that month. 28 is just my lucky number right now.=) Please hold me accountable for these things. I will be updating this post and checking things off as I go. =)

  1. Go to the temple (at least 2xs) (1x check)
  2. Go Caroling
  3. Go see Savior of the World
  4. Play Christmas songs on the piano
  5. Learn a new song on the Piano (in progress)
  6. Go see the lights at temple square
  7. Watch White Christmas (3xs) (1x check)
  8. Hang a ornament (or more)
  9. Do a secret Santa for someone
  10. Wrap a present (or more)
  11. Bake something
  12. Finish Mark and Luke in the gospels
  13. Send Christmas cards to Brazil
  14. Play and sing Christmas songs with Dinah
  15. Go sledding
  16. Make a snowman (contingent on snow)
  17. Put up my olivewood nativity
  18. Go to the First Presidency's Christmas Fireside (Dec 6)
  19. Read a book that is not school related (Christmas break)
  20. Make a slide show with this year's family pictures
  21. Finish school projects (should probably move this one up on the list.)
  22. Start a snowball fight (finish it, or run away fast)
  23. Kiss under a mistletoe.
  24. Do at least 5 pages of my Israel photo book. (Christmas break)
  25. Go to Christmas around the World at BYU ( Dec. 4)
  26. Make New Year’s resolutions
  27. Buy Bekah's birthday present and celebrate with her
  28. Go to siblings' graduations and celebrate!!!
  29. Go to Disneyland (Dec 21-15) (Ok I overachieved. But I had to have this one on the list.)

Am I missing anything?