I realize that it would be hazardous to my health to live so close to such goodness. But after I finished the divine delicacy I began thinking that in spite of all losses that a move to DC would involve (family, friends, etc) that sandwich could make the move worth it. My lip popped out at the realization that the closest Potbelly’s to Utah is in Texas. Why hasn’t anyone opened one in Utah. Don’t they realize…? They obviously have no idea what they are missing out on. The prices are really very reasonable. I was surprised at how cheap it was for being in downtown DC. (Kitty korner from the White House.)
The fates smiled on me again on Sunday afternoon when I was facing spending the next 8 hours of my life on two planes, that don’t feed me, and a layover in Atlanta. I know that some people frown upon making purchases on Sunday, but I needed to eat. So I wondered around the airport browsing my options when I came upon none else but a Potbelly’s. Right there in the same airport I was departing. It was fate and I couldn’t resist a sandwich and another heaven sent ice cream sandwich.
I could to go their website and check out the calorie damage, but with some things ignorance is bliss. And this is definitely one of those things. So if you are ever in the DC area there are many important places you don’t want to miss, such as the Lincoln Memorial, the American History Museum, the Holocaust Museum, and Potbelly’s.