May 16th once again came around. And I'm official one year older and wiser too. I had a lovely day. I slept in until 8 am (Yes, sadly, that is sleeping in for me.) I hung around in my pajamas until noon. I went to my family's ward BBQ. Did a little shopping
And I went rock climbing with Abby, Steve and Caleb. This was my one request for the day.
We took Caleb for his first rock climbing trip. He did an awesome job climbing up. I was impressed. Unfortunately, once he was almost to the top I realized we forgot to teach him how to come down. Oops!! We coached him and he caught on part way down.
Dinah decided to give a try and she climbed all the way up. Getting her down took a lot of encouraging and coaxing. You wouldn't think it but it can be unnerving to come down because you have to lean back and completely trust the
person belaying you.
The rest of the family came up to roast hot dogs and marshmallows. It was a fantastic evening.
I am actually feeling pretty good about being another year older. Each year that goes by the more I do and experience. I am excited for this coming year and what more there is to come. Anything can happen.