Monday, June 7, 2010

week 3: celebrate free get into parks day in a park

I got wind of a group going to Moab and Arches on Friday and I jumped in. We went down Friday night, camped, and spent Saturday hiking around Arches. Fortunately it was free get into parks day in Utah. It was nearly a hundred degrees. But it was fun and a great little get away trip. God must be a big fan of Utah because He surely filled it with a lot of beauty. And I am so blessed to have to opportunity to live here and enjoy it. Life is beautiful. 

Pictures to come when I get my camera back from a friend.

“Your joy in life depends upon your trust in Heavenly Father and His holy Son, your conviction that their plan of happiness truly can bring you joy. Pondering their doctrine will let you enjoy the beauties of this earth and enrich your relationships with others. It will lead you to the comforting, strengthening experiences that flow from prayer to Father in Heaven and the answers He gives in return.” -Richard G. Scott, Finding Joy in Life, Ensign, May ‘96

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