Wednesday, June 8, 2011

every excursion I have gone on...

...I have dutifully bought the recommended medications for the anticipated tummy issues, rashes, and other ailments that could come with being in a foreign country....Just in case. And everytime I have returned home with as many pills and creams as I left with, seals unbroken. Believe me, I am an adventurous eater. But I have never had any issues (with the expection of pink eye in Peru) and these perfectly good medications expire before they are put to good use. So I've been I bother...spending the money on medications for China...just in case. I probably wouldn't except it is six weeks...And it would be a bit more difficult to fake the language in China in order to find what I need...if something does happen...which chances are slim...but it is bit more foreign than other places I've been. Fine...I'll do it...but just the minimum.   

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