- Visit 12 places I have never visited before. Check. Check. Check. Cabellas, Thai Basil, Taste of India, spiral jetty, Sundance moonlight ride, Canada, Cardston Temple, Waterton, Glacier National Park, Horse Shoe Bend, Cathedral Wash, Cabo San Lucas, Puerta Vallarta, Splendor, Mexican Riviera.
- Make 12 new recipes. Check. Some I’ve posted. Stay tuned. I may post more.
- Meet 12 new people. Check. New ward made this easy.
- Reconnect with 12 old people. Check, maybe. I haven’t done such a fabulous job of keeping track.
- Run 12 miles. Uncheck. I had some back issues and the doctor told me no running for a little while. I haven’t felt comfortable getting all the way back into it. This year I am going to.
- Learn 12 new skills. Check, I am pretty sure. I didn’t do the best job recording it. I did learn some pretty awesome knitting stitches recently.
- Read the Book of Mormon 12 times. Half Check. I started out the beginning of the year doing really awesome. First three months I read the B of M three times. And then in the middle of my fourth month I realized as awesome as that was, I didn’t have time to read anything else, including conference report, other standard works, etc. So I slowed down and made sure I got those other important works in. I did however manage to read the B of M a total of six times this year. I feel pretty good about that.
- Read 12 books that I already own. 11/12. Unless you count the B of M, then it would be 17/12.
- Read 12 nonfiction books. 10/12. Unless you count the of B of M, then it would be 16/12. I did reach my Goodreads 2012 goal of reading 30 books this year.
- Discover 12 new loves. Check. I really love parasailing.
- Learn 12 new pieces on the piano. Not quite check. I’m sure I played 12 new pieces. But actual focused practice, no.
- Find 12 names to take to the temple. No Check.
I’ll keep working on it.
- Look at this list at least 12 times. Check.