Sunday, October 7, 2007's just fun to say.

So friends and family have been encouraging to start a blog. And now what to write. I am trying to figure how to get it to look like I want.

A few hours later...
After a few hours and some sweat and blood it is ready to go. And I must say I am quite pleased with it. Now lets just see if anyone else will look at it. I will try to get some more interesting things on here. I don't want it to be just me rambling away. Although that will probably be a lot of it. I like to ramble. I guess I have to be true my title and have some good fortune on here too. Anyways it up and good to go for now.

1 comment:

caron said...

How is it that everyone is really good at making thier blogs look fantastic and mine is still blah? I guess it's always an investment of time....
Welcome to the blogging world, friend! There are a few more of the ward friends on the network, I have links if you want them! I think we all welcome friendly lurkers