Saturday, December 13, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

Peanut butter and homemade strawberry jam
Paisley and Daisies
Brothers and Sisters
Laughing till it hurts
Peaches and Strawberries
Grandma's house
Sleeping under the stars
Spending a day at the lake
Stamps in my passport
Seeing new places
Experiential Education
Getting good and sweaty
Garden vegetables
Turquoise and pink
Four Seasons
Flip flops and hoodies
New running shoes
Dark Chocolate
Wasting a day reading every now and then
Finding five bucks in a pocket that I had forgotten about
A weekend in the mountains (actually a week)
The Happiest Millionaire (Old Disney Movie)
Sunday afternoon naps
Running in the morning out in the middle of no where
A good date
Being right
Climbing trees
Making Christmas presents
Big snow storms
Old movies (I mean the classics, before the 70s and 80s)
Filling up my car for under 20 dollars
Hearing from friends
Eating until I'm stuffed
Winning at games
my electric blanket
vacation days
finishing everything on a to do list
Still fitting into clothes I wore in high school=)


caron said...

This list makes me happy... :)

The Whitaker Family said...

Those are some VERY good things! The last on your list is one of my goals. I WILL get there in 2009, baby!!!!