Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Read all about it....

I tend to be a bit of a news/info junky. Something I inherited from my mom but has augmented since I've graduated from college. My daily ritual usually goes as follows

Arrive at work—turn on computer

Clock in—Start email

While loading and checking for new mail go hang up coat and fill up water bottles

Glance through new emails and create a to do list

Put To Do list aside

Check out the headlines

There are a couple different sites that I check out regularly— for local news, and for nation and world. Occasionally I’ll check CNN, NY Times, Des News, and SL Trib.

I have come to recognize the differences in reporting these different sites take. MSNBC tends to be more liberal and give Obama his free campaigning. Foxnews will often have stories that MSNBC conveniently forgets to show because of the negative light it sheds on the current political power. However Foxnews does not always favor conservative.

I’ve learned to pay attention to not only what is said in the articles but how things are said. For example:

From MSNBC: “Obama reverses stem cell policy --Move ends President Bush's limits on using federal dollars for embryonic stem cell research.”
Foxnews on the same topic: Obama Signs Order Lifting Restrictions on Stem Cell Research Funding—A bit more neutral.

What I really get a kick out of is the comments and opinions that people express about the articles. Some are comments are intelligent and legit. Others can be very ignorant and bias. Often times a war of the tongue (or keystrokes) will break loose.

Check this one out

1 comment:

caron said...

I followed a similar string the other day, it's totally ridiculous. Yet highly entertaining.