Yesterday I had somewhat of a grumpy, irritable day. So I decided that today I was not going to have a repeat. I went to bed early. This morning I didn’t lay in bed thinking about getting up for quite so long so I wouldn’t be as rushed. I wore a pair of my favorite pants. I didn’t have to look too hard for my keys. I got out the door with plenty of time to make the bus. I read a few chapters from the B of M and I finished a chapter in another book I am really enjoying. “Yes,” I thought, “this is going to be a good day.” Then right before I got off the bus I looked down at my feet and I saw…
…And I started cracking up. I laughed all the way to my office. And every time I looked down at my feet throughout the day I laughed again and again. This seriously and surprisingly made my day. I have no idea how it happened, apparently my mind was somewhere else when I put on my shoes this morning. These are the only shoes I have that I have the same shoe in two different colors.
I’ve decided that it’s good to have things like this happen every now and then. And days that aren’t quite so perfect to help you remember not to take yourself or life so seriously.
What makes this story even better is the fact that it has happened in my family before. Like sister, like sister. The heels on my shoes are the same size so I wasn’t walking lopsided. Warning to those who like buying brown and black of the same shoe.
hahahahah I've been laughing outlound in my room. That is just great.
thanks for sharing. You are wonderful. thanks for your positive example!
Love you
Once when my parents came w/ my fam to church my dad and mom started cracking up during the sacrament. he stuck out his feet and he had on two black shoes, one shiny wing tip and one scruffy new balance. none of us could stop laughing.
the laughing was more embarassing than the shoe mix up.
I'm happy you are catching on to my new fashion statement!!! :)
Love you Sugar!!
HA! I've done that before...with 2 black pair but not the same shoe.
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