Tuesday, April 13, 2010

good news moment

Since day one of the MPA program the pressure has been on to find an internship. (I’m not kidding, SINCE DAY ONE.) Although, I talked like I was searching for a internship throughout the fall semester, in actuality, I was too busy trying with…oh you know…graduate school. And this semester was no less busy. So every now and then I apply for a few random internships just to say I tried, and in the back of my mind hoping I wouldn’t find one because I wanted a break and I wanted to play all summer long. I know… That is very responsible and adult-like of me, but hey, is it my fault that the economy is down and the job market is bad. What’s a girl to do??!) 

Well, good news. I have an internship/job for the summer and I am super excited for it. It is one that I randomly applied for just because that was what I was suppose to be doing. And I never thought I would actually get it. The competition was too high. (MBAs and MPAs.) The internship is with BYU Human Resources in the Development department. They called me right in the middle of my busiest week to set up an interview, “Oh, and will you please prepare a presentation on something that you can share with us.” Me-“Sure, I’ve got plenty of time.”(Yes, that was sarcasm you heard.)  Well, I prepared a presentation and it was actually more fun than any of my other presentations and projects that I was suppose to be working on. I presented on Experiential Education. One of my passions. 

The interview went well and after learning more about what the position consisted of, I realized I really wanted it. I mean really, really, really wanted it. It was right up my alley. Training and development. For the next week I tried hard not to get my hopes up…while praying with every fiber of my being. And then it happened. I got the phone call with the best news ever. They offered me the position. Wow!!! Really??!! YESSSSSS!!!!

This is going to be a great summer. I get to work 40 hours a week in a great department, getting experience in what I like to do, and guess what…I’ll get paid to do it. Another perk for me is that I get to work for BYU. No, I don’t get to go to DC, NYC, LA, or any other cool place like my fellow MPAers. I’ll be here in pokey Provo. But I am interested university administration and this internship will be a great opportunity experience to some of the ins and outs of a university. And I will be able to continue working through the fall. Blessing! More to come on it later. It is past my bedtime and I need to get up in  a few hours.



rebekah said...

congratulations! I'm so excited for you.

Rachel B said...

WOW that is SO exciting!!! Yay!