Wednesday, February 16, 2011

anti anti-valentine’s day

There seems to be a sour stigmatism for V-day among those who are currently unspoken-for. That makes me sad. Valentine’s day can be such a fun and happy day, single or attached. It’s a day to celebrate any kind of relationship or any kind of love. A day to celebrate family, friends, and/or significant other. It’s a day to tell others how much you love them and happy you are because they are in your life. (Yes, everyday should be love your neighbor day. But why not have a day to especially love your neighbor and express it.) It’s a day to send a note and reconnect to people you haven’t talk to in a while. It’s day for sending little somethings.  It’s a day to get reacquainted with the phenomena of snail mail and the neglected mail box at the end of your driveway. It’s a day for pampering, chocolate, flowers, sugar cookies, and conversation hearts. 

I refuse to support any anti-valentine events or SAD (single awareness day). I didn’t feel single at all. I felt loved and a sense of belonging.

I hope your Valentine’s day was full of love and joy and little extra sweetness.


PS. I loved this post by Dr. Mao, Live Longer with Love in Your Life. A few good reason to let love into your life.

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