Friday, July 30, 2010

i love my dog, he makes me laugh

The other night, I showed up at my parents' house only to find it empty. As I walked towards the kitchen, I saw my dog looking at me through the back door. "What are you doing out there?" I asked through the glass. (This was not normal behavior. Normally, he is one of the first to greet me and he doesn't leave my heels until I acknowledge him.) And then I saw it. The mess he had made with the garbage in the kitchen. It was the worse I had ever seen."Ohhh!!" I exclaimed loudly as the realization hit me as to why he was outside and why he was staying out there. He had either put himself in time-out for his bad deed or he was hiding out to dodge the bullets after he realized that he shouldn't have done what he just did and would most likely get in trouble for it.

He came crawling through his doggy door, with his nose down, to my feet where he rolled over, apologizing for what he did. "No, you better go back outside." I told him. He slowly turned around, crawled back outside, and resumed his original position until the rest of the family came home.

Yes, he was one bad puppy. But his behavior cracks me up. He knows he was bad and he was so sorry. He always is. He wants to be good. He just can't help himself. I can understand that. I want to be good, too. And most of the time I am. But like everyone, I have weaknesses. His just happens to be the kitchen garbage.

Picture curtesy of Hannah Jane.

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