Sunday, November 14, 2010

birthdays and other business

Here are a few things that have made me smile recently.


Singing “the wise man built his house upon the rock” with actions. 100_0335a100_0334a




  Fourteen Year Old Brothers100_0354 100_0355 More Birthdays100_0401

Two Year Olds100_0387 Benjamin’s Birthday Tent and flashing sword from the zoo.100_0404 How many people can we fit in Benjamin birthday tent?!100_0407a

Grandpa and Gracie, not sleepy.P1000352

Building marble towers!P1000351

P1000354  Birthday CakeP1000359

Did I mention 2 year olds! =) I love them. Yes he did this on his own. He’s that smart.P1000362

Benjamin playing in his birthday tent.P1000369Playing with Benjamin in his birthday tent. P1000374

Yes. There are so many reasons to smile and so many things to smile about. Life is Happy!

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